Economizers and Super heaters
Economizers can save a great deal of Energy, they can also waste energy if they are not operating properly or are improperly adjusted. Many economizers are not functioning at all or are out of service because they are not well understood by some service technicians. Many service technicians simply disable them. It is essential that economizers are working properly and saving energy rather than increasing costs.
Our team of Expert Engineers is ready to Inspect, submit documents report, repair, completely rebuilt, design, install and trace the trouble shooting components for all types of Economizers such plain tube, Spiral fin tube, helical fin tube, Pin tube, Single & double H finned tubes. Our stock of fabrication dies allow us to provide everything from superheated elements to single bends.
Super Heater
One of the most important accessories of a boiler is a super heater. Steam will leave the water at its surface and pass into the steam space. Steam formed above the water surface is always saturated and cannot become superheated in the boiler shell, as it is constantly in contact with the water surface. If superheated steam is required, the saturated steam must pass through a Superheater. This is simply a heat exchanger where additional heat is added to the saturated steam.
The Superheater increases the capacity of the plant, eliminates corrosion & reduces steam consumption of the steam turbine.
We have the expertise and facilities to fabricate superheater cods in most complicated shapes, gauge, size and the craftsmanship to install in most confined places within a stipulated time. Depending upon the temperatures we can offer different grades of tube material from stock.

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